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Hello lovely !

You reading this means the world to me! Starting my own feminine embodiment coaching business has been quite a journey, and I’m beyond thrilled to have it up and running. Working with me means I’ll get to know a lot about you, so it’s only fair that you know a little about me too.​

My Story

I have never really been good at expressing myself verbally. Since childhood, I have struggled to find the right words, and in my close circle, I am known for inventing new ones. (This, of course, became a major challenge whenever I had to speak in front of my classmates, teachers, or anyone I perceived as an authority figure… yikes.)

Nevertheless, I was a very active child (definitely undiagnosed ADHD), which fueled my love for sports. I loved discovering new sports and figuring out how to improve in them. I was highly competitive and driven by passion. Every sports hall quickly became my comfort zone—a place where I didn’t have to pretend, where I felt confident.

Naturally, I decided to study the human body and became a physiotherapist.

Ironically, as I became more familiar with my physical body, I lost touch with my mental,  emotional and energetic self. I found myself restricting food to stay thin, then binge-eating before my period, pushing my body to its limits, experiencing extreme emotional highs and lows, overthinking, and freezing for hours or even days. I endlessly compared myself to other women, judged myself and them, sought attention, approval, and validation from men, struggled with commitment, pretended to be a strong, independent woman—yet felt lonely and misunderstood. And the list goes on…

My journey of self-love and healing began when I started practicing yoga. It was during my 200-hour yoga teacher training that I finally found home in my body. It felt like I was awakening from a long dream. I finally understood what pure self-love felt like. From that moment on, I made it my mission to stay connected to my body. After all, we are more than just our minds!

I began moving my body in ways that felt natural rather than in ways society expected. I no longer moved for others to approve of how I looked but to honor what felt right for me. I learned to follow my body's rhythm instead of conforming to society’s pace.

After completing my feminine embodiment coaching course at the School of Embodied Arts with Jenna Ward, I began coaching and leading embodied yoga classes around the world.

It is thanks to my embodied self-healing journey that I found the courage to quit my physiotherapy job, travel the world with my wonderful partner, and do what I love—helping others find their way, step into their confidence, and embrace their own magic.


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